* Disclaimer: osmm.hk has no representations with the following companies whilst we have no obligation to any reliance you place on these information. The inclusion in the list does not imply a recommendation.
PolyU Industrial Centre (IC)
Other 3D printing service providers in Hong Kong & Macau
General Information obtained from Google search!
- 3D Hubs, Hong Kong printers (http://www.3dhubs.com/hong-kong)
- 3DMart, 3D printing solutions in Hong Kong (https://3dmart.com.hk/)
- 3D printing lab (http://www.3dprintinglab.com.hk/lab-service.html)
- 3D Printing Company Ltd. (http://www.3dprint.stone.ecouter.us/wordpress/)
- 3D Creation (https://www.facebook.com/3dcreationhk)
- 3D Making Hong Kong (http://www.3dmaking.com.hk/)
- apostrophe's (http://www.apostrophes.co/)
- Bluprint (http://www.bluprint.com.hk/)
- DTSL (http://www.dtsl.asia)
- HK3DPrint (http://www.hk3dprint.com.hk/en/)
- HK3DPrint Center (http://hkdddprinter.com/)
- LG Technology (Macao) Ltd. (http://www.lgmacau.com/)
- Play3DHK (http://play3d.hk/)
- ThingzCube (http://www.thingzcube.com/)
- WaterCreation (https://www.watercreation.hk/)
Maker spaces in hong kong, Shenzhen & worldwide
- Makerspaces from Meetup (http://makerspaces.meetup.com/cities/hk/hong_kong/)
- List of hacker spaces (https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/)